Tweet, Tweet, What's Twitter All About

What’s all this buzz about twitter about? Is it really that great of a social media site or is it just for people sharing their lives? Actually the answer is YES to both. It really is that great of a social media site and most people use it to share updates about their lives. I know, why would I want to read about their lives if I’m trying to get my business out there? Well here’s why, those people that are sharing their lives could become your potential follower thus becoming one of your clients. It allows you to connect with people in real time to find out more about their needs, it is an amazing networking site where you can meet people from all over the world, and it is a great marketing tool to get your business out there.


Twitter is a great social networking site that allows you to connect with your followers and other consumers in real time. It’s a great way to provide and improve the customer service of your brand. When using twitter you are able to see what consumers are saying about your brand, and believe me they are definitely talking about it. If you don’t have a twitter you would never know what they are actually saying. This gives your competitors a shot at persuading your base of clientele and no business wants that. It is extremely important that you engage with your fan base. They will have no problem telling you their likes and dislikes about your brand. Which, believe it or not, can be very helpful to you because it gives you the opportunity to tailor your products and services to fit the needs of your followers wants and needs. Getting customers feedback about your brand will also help you maintain your online presence in a positive light because you can do things to ensure your followers stay loyal to your brand. On twitter you are able to also give updates about your brand in real time and you can post as many times a day that you would like.


When it comes to networking twitter is one of the best social media sites out there to do this. There are millions of people active on twitter everyday. Some people are on twitter like clockwork and are on twitter every hour on the hour. That means the amount of people you can connect with is endless. Without social media you wouldn’t even know they exist, so a twitter account is a necessity if your goal is to meet potential customers. Twitter is by far one of the best networking sites out there. You are able to connect with people in the same industry as you to stay on top of the latest trends or you can connect with people who are in other industries that relate to your own. Twitter has a feature that allows you to connect with new followers by sending them a message. Gaining feedback though the conversations you have with your new followers will help to build trust between you and your followers. This will either expand your business or give you constructive feedback which you can use to improve the quality of your brand. Twitter also has a retweet feature that allows your followers to retweet your posts and then your message and brand spreads because followers of your follower will be introduced to your brand. Networking is very important because you want other people’s view of things to make your brand all it can be.


The biggest reason businesses should use twitter is for marketing. It’s a free, yes FREE, way to market your business to millions of people. With twitter being a viral site people across the world can see your tweets. This causes for more exposure and as a business that’s exactly what you want. Twitter is a great way to promote brand awareness and market your products and services. In the digital age you will gain more exposure and attention through social media than you will through any other medium such as radio, TV, and billboards. Most people are more likely to make a purchase off of twitter that any other social media site. This will increase your sales because people who follow you are more than likely to partake in your products or services. It is extremely important that you keep these customers engaged in your brand by offering them incentives, like deals and coupons, that link back to your website. This will create another branch on the tree of the online marketing funnel you need to have in place to have a successful marketing strategy. You can also post promotional tweets with contests and giveaways. This will help you build a loyal fan base because you are providing them with a good reasons for being a loyal consumer which also will increase sales. Promotional tweets like contests and giveaways can also be used as a lead magnet. When they sign up for your promotion they do so by email. Having their email means you can now add them to your subscription list to receive emails from you. Remember leads eventually convert to sales. Another marketing technique you can use twitter for is the promotion of your blog. When you post a blog promote it on twitter to have followers link back to your blog. This is also a great way to showcase your brands personality. Using hashtag keywords is also a great way to not only promote your blog, but when the right hashtags are used businesses are able to keep count of who is talking about your brand and it can also spread your online presence. You can keep the conversation going which will lead them to your website to increase your ROI.


Overall if you want to get your brand out in the world in a fast and efficient way twitter is the way to go. You are able to connect with your followers in real time, connect with new followers and promote your brand. If you’re just starting your brand I would definitely suggest getting a twitter. You can leave short updates about your brand and can always link it back to your website which creates traffic and could potentially lead to more sales. Since sales is the ultimate goal of any business networking with the right people will give you an upper hand on leads.